I guess people think because you are an artist you can do anything crafty. Well I panic when I am given a project that I feel I am going to completely mess up. My mom and I accepted this challenge together.
We are having a ladies Christmas dinner at our church next week. We were asked to decorate a table. I had no idea what we were going to do.
Our idea started coming together and we went and bought supplies crossing our fingers and toes that this was going to work.
My procrastinating on the project had to come to an end so today I began to pull it together. Here are a few pictures of our set up for next week. I must say I'm pretty excited.
Chirp Love, Art
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Centerpiece for a ladies Christmas dinner
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Fall is in the air!
Well it was time to change out our "Masterpieces" bulletin board. The girls had pretty flower drawings with bright pinks and purples. Now it is time for fall colors. So yesterday we walked around the back yard collecting unique leaves to decorate the board. I cut out a tree I drew and traced their hands to use as leaves.
We haven't finished yet but it was a start! I love doing projects with my kiddos! They are so talented and love trying new things.
We haven't finished yet but it was a start! I love doing projects with my kiddos! They are so talented and love trying new things.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Sunday Summer Day
I had many little blessings today! I'm overwhelmed when I look at my family and know they are all mine!!!
We went to church this morning and worshipped our amazing God and were reminded once again He conquers all burdens and heartache. Although my heart gets heavy now and again I know my God is in control. There is so much heartache out there and loneliness and only God can fill those empty spaces.
After we got home from church we grilled hot dogs. That is a favorite around here during the summer days. Summer is coming to an end so we are going to take advantage of them while we can.
After lunch Steve worked in the yard and I home schooled Emma. We needed a break and to run off some energy so we headed outside into our fenced in backyard. It was wonderful. We laid in the grass, watched Ivy (my parents puppy) chomp at knats and Steve and I spray painted our new mirror we will be hanging in our living room soon. (post to come on that)
While we laid in the grass I was looking at the vast sky and how BIG it is compared to us. Steve and I talked about our next big project we want to do on the house and some smaller ones to keep us occupied through the winter.
A little over a year ago we wanted to put the house on the market but when we talked to a Realtor we realized our home has depreciated even though we have upgraded and remodeled different rooms we would still have to come up with a significant amount of money to get out of our mortgage. We were told the same ol crap that "others are also in our shoes". Made me mad at first cause I thought we did everything right. We bought a starter home to get our life started and upgraded appliances and some outdated features then put the house on the market and upgrade ourselves. Well it turns out many do the opposite. Took me about a month to get through my anger and disappointment with lots of talks to God. I was disgusted. After some time I came to the peace that we like our home. It's ours. We made it ours and if I had a cardboard box I would make it ours too. I needed to count my blessings. So we started thinking differently. Our plan today is to continue working on our home in the corner of this BIG world and make it more enjoyable. I don't know how long we will stay here. Maybe till my kids are gone or maybe we will be gone in a few years but it's our home and my heart lives here. More importantly my family lives here!!!
We went to church this morning and worshipped our amazing God and were reminded once again He conquers all burdens and heartache. Although my heart gets heavy now and again I know my God is in control. There is so much heartache out there and loneliness and only God can fill those empty spaces.
After we got home from church we grilled hot dogs. That is a favorite around here during the summer days. Summer is coming to an end so we are going to take advantage of them while we can.
After lunch Steve worked in the yard and I home schooled Emma. We needed a break and to run off some energy so we headed outside into our fenced in backyard. It was wonderful. We laid in the grass, watched Ivy (my parents puppy) chomp at knats and Steve and I spray painted our new mirror we will be hanging in our living room soon. (post to come on that)
While we laid in the grass I was looking at the vast sky and how BIG it is compared to us. Steve and I talked about our next big project we want to do on the house and some smaller ones to keep us occupied through the winter.
A little over a year ago we wanted to put the house on the market but when we talked to a Realtor we realized our home has depreciated even though we have upgraded and remodeled different rooms we would still have to come up with a significant amount of money to get out of our mortgage. We were told the same ol crap that "others are also in our shoes". Made me mad at first cause I thought we did everything right. We bought a starter home to get our life started and upgraded appliances and some outdated features then put the house on the market and upgrade ourselves. Well it turns out many do the opposite. Took me about a month to get through my anger and disappointment with lots of talks to God. I was disgusted. After some time I came to the peace that we like our home. It's ours. We made it ours and if I had a cardboard box I would make it ours too. I needed to count my blessings. So we started thinking differently. Our plan today is to continue working on our home in the corner of this BIG world and make it more enjoyable. I don't know how long we will stay here. Maybe till my kids are gone or maybe we will be gone in a few years but it's our home and my heart lives here. More importantly my family lives here!!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
You have the key to my heart
This will be on display at the Newnan library. It is painted on 19x19inch wood.
I'm so excited to have all these new pieces out there.
Don't forget to check me out at the Corner Arts Gallery down town Newnan across from the Times Herald. I am also selling some of my work at Bell's Handcrafts down town Newnan next to Scott's book store!
I'm so excited to have all these new pieces out there.
Don't forget to check me out at the Corner Arts Gallery down town Newnan across from the Times Herald. I am also selling some of my work at Bell's Handcrafts down town Newnan next to Scott's book store!
Owl Always Love You mixed media on wood
Painting, painting, painting! I am on a roll and just can't sit still.... Here is a new one painted on wood 19x19inches.
This will be on display at the Newnan library also. It is for sale. $45 You can contact me by email @ Chirploveart@gmail.com
This will be on display at the Newnan library also. It is for sale. $45 You can contact me by email @ Chirploveart@gmail.com
Sunday, July 29, 2012
New mixed media piece
This was actually inspired by an artist friend of mine who has amazing work and encourages me with my work. This piece will be displayed in the Newnan library. It is for sale but I will not be posting the price there. I am charging $45 plus shipping.
If you have a particular saying or lyric you can message me and I can recreate this piece or if you are interested in another piece let me know. Lets work together so you feel connected to your painting.
If you have a particular saying or lyric you can message me and I can recreate this piece or if you are interested in another piece let me know. Lets work together so you feel connected to your painting.
My new vintage button bracelet
I have had such a great summer so far. I have been so busy creating, homeschooling, working out and soaking up some sun in our newly privacy fenced yard with my girls! It's been a blast! We go to the beach next month and hoping to go to Disney in the fall!
I got a really cute sundress a few weeks ago and needed a chunky piece of jewelry to go with it. So I decided to pull out some of my favorite vintage buttons in my collection and make a cuff bracelet.
I thought I would post a picture of it! Btw it looked great with the dress!!! :)
I got a really cute sundress a few weeks ago and needed a chunky piece of jewelry to go with it. So I decided to pull out some of my favorite vintage buttons in my collection and make a cuff bracelet.
I thought I would post a picture of it! Btw it looked great with the dress!!! :)
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Friendship bracelets
I went through a stage about ten years ago when I lived near the beach making beaded anklets and bracelets. I still have several left but I used to sell them to a local surf shop in St. Augustine Florida. I loved putting colors together and trying new things that no one could buy at a regular store.
Although the original history of a friendship bracelet is made from embroidery thread or floss I made gifts for friends with beads instead. The embroidery thread bracelets became popular in the 70's but have continued to come back about every 10 years. I plan on teaching my girls the skill of making them when they get a bit older.
However today I decided to let Emma make her first friendship bracelet out of beads for her friend who is having a birthday party today. Both my girls seemed so interested in what I had and were occupied for quit a bit. Lol
It was a lot of fun. I just love getting to do things like that with them and hope someday they will remember the days of experimenting and trying new things with their mama. :)
Although the original history of a friendship bracelet is made from embroidery thread or floss I made gifts for friends with beads instead. The embroidery thread bracelets became popular in the 70's but have continued to come back about every 10 years. I plan on teaching my girls the skill of making them when they get a bit older.
However today I decided to let Emma make her first friendship bracelet out of beads for her friend who is having a birthday party today. Both my girls seemed so interested in what I had and were occupied for quit a bit. Lol
It was a lot of fun. I just love getting to do things like that with them and hope someday they will remember the days of experimenting and trying new things with their mama. :)
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Whats been keeping me busy....
Sooooo much to say...It has been a busy busy spring and now summer has finally arrived and I am still going going going!
I'm not sure where I left off or even where to begin. I wanted to share a few things that have been keeping me busy and at least give you the excuse as to why I am horrible at updating my blog. : (
Last month Steve and I traveled to Chattanooga Tn for a folk art show which was so much fun. Since then I have been selling some of my work here or there with full profit going to Jude's recovery.
I started selling my work at Bell's Handcrafts and now I am selling at Corner Arts Gallery downtown Newnan. I have sold two pieces so far and that just puts a smile on my face and I hope whom ever has bought too!
We went to the beach the last week of May and had a great time just being a family. Got to soak up the sun at one of our favorite beaches Steve and I used to go to when we lived in Florida. Now we get to take our girls there.
We had swimming lessons two weeks ago and last week was VBS! Me and my good friend Jodi always teach the crafts.....exhausting but so much fun! I claim her every year cause she is a real teacher and knows how to run a class. LOL
We are still homeschooling but because we go through the year we are doing four days a week right now. So excited about starting 1st grade soon. Emma amazes me and makes me laugh everyday.....not all days are perfect though. : )
Well just a few tidbits about what has been happening at the Smith's house! We are having a blast and excited about the future. I will post new work as I make it.
Happy Summer my friends!
Find chirploveart on Hellocotton
art gallery,
art show,
Bell's Handcrafts,
folk art,
kids art,
mixed media,
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Bell's Handcrafts
Well my friends I have exciting news. One of our local stores here in Historical downtown Newnan is selling some of my work.
I haven't sold my work in a store in a few years. Actually about 5. I have changed so much as an artist and there have been so many changes in our lives that I've stayed pretty busy. However, I am finally at a place to give this a try again and see how I do.
Go check out their Bell's Handcrafts website and find their facebook fan page and click 'LIKE"!!!
I haven't sold my work in a store in a few years. Actually about 5. I have changed so much as an artist and there have been so many changes in our lives that I've stayed pretty busy. However, I am finally at a place to give this a try again and see how I do.
Go check out their Bell's Handcrafts website and find their facebook fan page and click 'LIKE"!!!
Find chirploveart on Hellocotton
art gallery,
Bell's Handcrafts,
folk art,
mixed media,
orginal art,
shops in Newnan
Friday, May 25, 2012
Today we had to put our 16 year old cat down. So sad and all the memories I have of him are cherished. He was a good boy and will be missed greatly!
I will miss how every morning when I get up he greets me in the bathroom for fresh water in the sink. Anytime I have chicken or turkey out he comes running and rubs up against my leg and leaves cat hair all over my pant legs. He was the only cat I knew who loved to run with me on the treadmill and he hated my singing in the shower. He would whine at me and let me know he was sick of hearing me!
Yes, my little buddy will be missed!
I will miss how every morning when I get up he greets me in the bathroom for fresh water in the sink. Anytime I have chicken or turkey out he comes running and rubs up against my leg and leaves cat hair all over my pant legs. He was the only cat I knew who loved to run with me on the treadmill and he hated my singing in the shower. He would whine at me and let me know he was sick of hearing me!
Yes, my little buddy will be missed!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Who-fest 2012
OK, so I am really late on posting any pictures from Who-fest this year but I got tons of excuses.....just maybe not good enough ones. So here are a few pics of our fun weekend. Unfortunately we had to leave Sunday morning due to the rain so I did not get to visit or take as many pictures of my friends as I normally do. Bummer!!!! We did have a great time and appreciated all the hard work involved in making this a successful show. Looks like a Who-fest too is coming this September and if all goes well I plan on being there.
Find chirploveart on Hellocotton
art show,
Coolidge Park,
mixed media,
vintage buttons,
Who-fest 2012
Chattanooga, TN, USA
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Some of my new work
A few of my favorite new pieces I made for Who-fest that sold. We had such a good time and I just love seeing people walk away with my work and a smile! : )
Find chirploveart on Hellocotton
Painting for Jude
It has been such a beautiful spring! I cannot believe that June is just a breath away. Trying to keep up with homeschooling and domestic duties keeps my time pretty much filled but I thought I would sit down and type a bit about what has been going on.
Well, first off I posted a few weeks ago that my brother's little boy Jude has been diagnosed with leukemia. It was a shock to all of us and especially to them. Jude has been in and out of the hospital with a few complications but we are reminded daily God has him in the palm of HIS healing hands. Their baby girl is due this Friday so I will have a niece which is their first girl! I know they are really excited about that but weighed down with new responsibilities and stresses. They have a long road ahead but seem to be handling things well. They are very blessed to be surrounded by so many that care for them and are able to help. I wish I was able to do more but we live too far away so we do what we can and pray! If you are interested in keeping up with Jude's journey to recovery here is a site my brother is updating as he can. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jbgriffinhttp://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jbgriffin
A few weeks ago I felt led to paint this painting. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out but by the end of the day I really liked what I saw. So I posted it on my facebook fan page and a friend of mine saw it and said she wanted to buy it. I told her all profit of this particular painting will be going to Jude's medical expenses. A few minutes later another friend said she wanted one too so I decided how ever many of these particular paintings sold I would donate the profit to Jude. After a day another friend contacted me and requested one too. lol
Well, first off I posted a few weeks ago that my brother's little boy Jude has been diagnosed with leukemia. It was a shock to all of us and especially to them. Jude has been in and out of the hospital with a few complications but we are reminded daily God has him in the palm of HIS healing hands. Their baby girl is due this Friday so I will have a niece which is their first girl! I know they are really excited about that but weighed down with new responsibilities and stresses. They have a long road ahead but seem to be handling things well. They are very blessed to be surrounded by so many that care for them and are able to help. I wish I was able to do more but we live too far away so we do what we can and pray! If you are interested in keeping up with Jude's journey to recovery here is a site my brother is updating as he can. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jbgriffinhttp://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jbgriffin
A few weeks ago I felt led to paint this painting. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out but by the end of the day I really liked what I saw. So I posted it on my facebook fan page and a friend of mine saw it and said she wanted to buy it. I told her all profit of this particular painting will be going to Jude's medical expenses. A few minutes later another friend said she wanted one too so I decided how ever many of these particular paintings sold I would donate the profit to Jude. After a day another friend contacted me and requested one too. lol
We were at Who-fest in Chattanooga TN. a few weekends ago and I sold another painting in honor of Jude. This is the painting that sold.
lesson plans,
mixed media,
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Pretty Is As Pretty Does
My grandmother's famous line..... "Pretty is as Pretty Does". Ain't it the truth???
So many people are focused on the outside and have such an ugly attitude which depreciates the real meaning of beauty.
One of my goals as a mother of two little girls is teaching them that pretty is what is on the inside. Sharing God's love and being a true friend is "pretty".
I have heard little girl chatter and it disappoints me with some of what they say. I speak frankly to my girls about loving one another. That it is brave and "ok" to say no or I don't want to. Being different doesn't mean you are weird. It means you are strong in Christ and focus on what God would want you to do.
If you know me at all you know I am not a writer so I am going to leave it that! I hope you shine your light God gave you!!!
So many people are focused on the outside and have such an ugly attitude which depreciates the real meaning of beauty.
One of my goals as a mother of two little girls is teaching them that pretty is what is on the inside. Sharing God's love and being a true friend is "pretty".
I have heard little girl chatter and it disappoints me with some of what they say. I speak frankly to my girls about loving one another. That it is brave and "ok" to say no or I don't want to. Being different doesn't mean you are weird. It means you are strong in Christ and focus on what God would want you to do.
If you know me at all you know I am not a writer so I am going to leave it that! I hope you shine your light God gave you!!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
A split second and your life can change
Yesterday we got devastating news from my brother. His 3 year old son Jude has cancer! I do not think the reality of that word is more powerful until it is within the safety of your family and you stand facing a huge challenge ahead. Although I am not the mama or daddy facing this struggle with one of mine it is my baby brother who I know has a heavy heart and so that hurts me.
As a mother I can only imagine the helpless feeling and fear they have at this moment. Confusion, shock and anger as to "why me"?
In these last two years I have been reminded of how precious life is. It can change in a split second and we are not promised tomorrow.
I thankful for a loving God and that my brother, and sister in law know their Jude is in God's powerful healing hands.
I am thankful that our parents instilled in us the only hope we have is Jesus! He can do ALL things!!!!
I do not understand and cannot wrap my brain as to "why" but I know God sees the future and we can only see the moment or the past. The comfort with painful past is actually a piece of hope we have because we have seen God's mighty work done and stand on the promise He will do it again.
So today as my day gets started in just a few hours I am holding onto that faith I have been given.
Please say a prayer for 3 year old Jude as he is facing the fight of his little, precious life.
As a mother I can only imagine the helpless feeling and fear they have at this moment. Confusion, shock and anger as to "why me"?
In these last two years I have been reminded of how precious life is. It can change in a split second and we are not promised tomorrow.
I thankful for a loving God and that my brother, and sister in law know their Jude is in God's powerful healing hands.
I am thankful that our parents instilled in us the only hope we have is Jesus! He can do ALL things!!!!
I do not understand and cannot wrap my brain as to "why" but I know God sees the future and we can only see the moment or the past. The comfort with painful past is actually a piece of hope we have because we have seen God's mighty work done and stand on the promise He will do it again.
So today as my day gets started in just a few hours I am holding onto that faith I have been given.
Please say a prayer for 3 year old Jude as he is facing the fight of his little, precious life.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Felt Flower Hair Clips on etsy
Life has been pretty busy lately! Blogging has been put on the back burner as I posted a week or two ago. I miss it yet feel like some things in life take priority for me right now. However I wanted to take a minute and post a few of my new felt hair clips I have been working on. These are now on my etsy shop. Please check them out.
Thank you for being a friend, follower, or maybe a bit of a fan! I am blessed!Don't for get to check me out on
Find chirploveart on Hellocotton
hair clips,
vintage buttons
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Crochet Ring
I haven't had much to say lately and feel a little tongue tied. I have been so busy with life that I haven't taken the time to blog. So I am going to post a picture of the new crochet ring I made yesterday.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Precious Hands
A few years ago I decided to make over our bedroom. I needed it to be a place where I could get away. Everything I do and anywhere I go involves my babies. I am not complaining, but in the evening when they go to bed I don't want to look at toys and the product of our day. I just felt like making my room a get away with calm tranquil colors would be awesome! However I wanted to incorporate something of theirs that tied my theme and design together. So I took a few old frames. I painted them a dark umber brown and distressed them. Then I made three separate collages to put in each frame to hang above our bed. The far left one is a cut out of Emma's hand with her name and the word "faith" on it. The middle one is two birds with the word "Love" on it. The one on the right is a cut out of Abbie's hand with her name and the word "Hope" on it. I love these pieces dearly and will always cherish them! Just wanted to share!
Find chirploveart on Hellocotton
kids art,
mixed media,
Friday, April 6, 2012
Crochet flower ring with painted button center
I wish you could see my kitchen. Because I do not have my own studio yet (hopes for the future) I create mostly in my kitchen with my girls at my feet, in my face ALL day. No complaints cause I know it won't last forever. Anywho, I have several unfinished projects lying all over my counter tops and table. IT IS SPRING, that is what I do....create! I saw a flowered crochet ring somewhere lately and I thought I can do that and decided to make my very own. One that went with my own style and colors. I am extremely excited about this, I love big, funky jewelry. (I have some favorite pieces of my jewelry I plan on posting about later.)
I painted a wooded button and then sewed it onto the crochet flower and super glued it to the ring.....fun and easy huh!
I painted a wooded button and then sewed it onto the crochet flower and super glued it to the ring.....fun and easy huh!
Find chirploveart on Hellocotton
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Felt Monster (Boo)
My two year old calls this "Boo". This past Halloween she really became aware of things. During that season there are so many monsters, witches and pumpkins and her older sister would say "BOOOOOOOO" to her so she started associating all things Halloween as boo.
I am not the best sewer or even great with stitching but this was just something fun I made one day sitting outside while my girls were playing in the beautiful weather. His name is "Boo"!
mixed media,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
My latest work. My dad was asked by our church to make two corn hole tosses for our Easter Good Friday celebration at our church. I painted them. This was such a fun project. I'm sorry to be so brief and also neglectful of posting the last several days but the weather has been beautiful and you can see I have been a busy bee painting! Xoxo
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Easter Egg project with acrylic paint
Easter Project
My sweet girls precious hands after our project. We had such a great time!
supplies needed; acrylic paint, cut out paper eggs about 2 inches in length, Styrofoam plate, clear plastic wrap
A shot of the eggs drying.....I will post pics of the end result another day.
If you want to see where I got this idea from and see some other fun projects to work on click HERE.
We are going to make paper Easter eggs to decorate our front living room window.
This is how we did this project.
First thing you do is let your child pick out their favorite colors and squirt them around the edges of the plate in a circle. Then squirt white in the middle. Place a sheet of clear plastic wrap across the top of the plate with enough to tuck under the bottom.
Then you let your child take their finger and stir it around and around in the plate over the clear plastic wrap. Sometimes you may have to push the paint more to the center but it should begin to look like this. Don't mix too much or it will blend too much and not be pretty.
Then take the clear plastic wrap off the plate and lay it aside. Take your egg and lay it into the paint and tap your fingers all along the backside of the egg. (Yes you will get messy so be prepared and HAVE FUN!!!)
Pull the egg up and lay it out to dry and VIOLA you have beautiful looking eggs. Emma and Abbie had so much fun doing this project. I am thinking of making a paper tree and letting the eggs hang on it for a pretty decoration for Easter. Dern, I love this kind of mess.
A shot of the eggs drying.....I will post pics of the end result another day.
Find chirploveart on Hellocotton
kids art,
lesson plans,
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